Пепел и Дым. Я (не) вернусь

Пепел и Дым. Я (не) вернусь

Книга "Пепел и Дым. Я (не) вернусь" (Алиса Ковалевская) доступна для чтения online, а также для скачивания в формате fb2.
Chapter 5

The days turned into weeks, and I found myself consumed by thoughts of revenge. Every waking moment, I plotted my next move against Egor Dymov. I couldn"t rest until he felt the same pain and heartbreak that he had inflicted upon my sister.

One evening, as I was putting my son to bed, a thought crossed my mind. What if I used my son as a pawn in my game against Dymov? The idea was unsettling, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Egor Dymov cared about nothing but himself, and if I wanted to hurt him, I had to hit where it hurt the most.

The next day, I put my plan into motion. I started by reaching out to Dymov"s agent, claiming that I had information that could potentially damage Dymov"s reputation. I knew that Dymov was fiercely protective of his image, and I was counting on that to make him vulnerable.

It didn"t take long for Dymov to respond. He demanded to meet me in person, and I agreed. As I sat across from him in a dimly lit cafe, I could see the arrogance in his eyes. He had no idea what was coming.

I laid out my terms, telling him that if he didn"t want his dirty secrets exposed, he would have to pay a hefty price. Dymov"s expression changed, a hint of fear creeping into his eyes. He tried to play it cool, but I could see that he was rattled.

In the end, Dymov agreed to my demands. He didn"t want his carefully crafted image to be tarnished, and he was willing to do whatever it took to protect it. As I walked away from the cafe, I couldn"t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. I had finally made Dymov feel the same helplessness and despair that my sister had felt all those years ago.

But as I returned home and looked into my son"s innocent eyes, a wave of guilt washed over me. What had I done? I had used my own flesh and blood as a weapon in my quest for revenge. Was this truly the person I had become?

I knew then that I had to make things right. I had to let go of the hate and anger that had consumed me for so long. I had to focus on raising my son with love and compassion, and leave the past where it belonged.

And as I tucked my son into bed that night, I made a silent vow to him. I would never let the darkness of revenge overshadow the light of love in our lives. My son deserved better than that, and I would do everything in my power to give him the happy, peaceful life he deserved.

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